Sunday, December 8, 2013

Shopping, photo shoots and doggies :)

It's been about a week now since I first felt the baby girl move for the first time. It seems like every day since she has gotten more and more active and I feel her swimming around in there. Its such a weird but wonderful feeling and unlike anything I've ever felt before. It literally feels like theres someone swimming in there!! My favorite, of course, are the harder kicks that I can actually feel from the outside. :) Steve even puts his hand on my belly sometimes to let me know when he can feel movements!

This past week was a little hectic and unorganized so I didn't have a chance to share any yummy recipes or ideas but I will be getting on that soon! I don't have anything planned for this week yet, I'm being a slacker! Usually on Sunday's I make my list for the week along with my grocery list and go to the store to collect everything I need for the coming week. Today, well, this whole weekend really, has been pretty busy!!

Started off early Friday morning for a prenatal appointment. Everything went fine at the appointment, baby girl is measuring right on track and she sounds just fine. I do, however, currently have a low lying placenta, so I have to go in on January 17th for another ultrasound to check to see if it has moved. They say it will usually move back to its "normal" position by 28 weeks, but they like to check anyway, which is fine with me! An extra sneak peek!! After the appointment I headed to quest for to get blood work drawn, then we spent the rest of the day shopping! Costco, Target, Marshalls, Tj Maxx, Old Navy….

Saturday I did a little housework while Steve helped his friend replace a part in his truck. Afterward we went out for some lunch and a few other errands. Last night we had Steve's work holiday "party". We stopped by a friend's new house before then headed to the bowling alley. It was fun and entertaining to watch the guys mess with each other, but definitely not as exciting when everyone else is drinking beer and I'm sipping my sprite. At least there was free pizza. :)

This morning started out early, especially after such a late night! We had pictures scheduled with a friend for our holiday cards at 10 am. We were originally supposed to do the photos on Friday afternoon, however, since they were calling for rain and crappy weather on Friday, we switched the date to today, and I'm glad we did! We had some snow for our photos and it even started snowing a little while we were taking them! We headed out to a friend's property in Sarver where they have a huge house, tons of land, horses and an old barn which they are in the process of restoring! It made for some really cool pictures! We got to spend some time and take a few pictures with this guy, Dakota! I'm getting so impatient waiting to see them!

After our pictures, we headed down to spaghetti warehouse in the strip district with our doggy friends for an early dinner and a gift exchange. We did a "favorite things" party where everyone brings the same gift for however many people are at the party. Since most of us were couples, and we were doing it for the dogs, we did one toy or treat for each couple/dog(s). So, we had to bring 8 gifts total, all under $5. We came home with some pretty cool stuff! It is such a fun idea and would be a blast to do with some girlfriends and cosmetics or other girly products!! By the time we got home I had to finish up some homework (which I just finished, in between keeping up on all the latest on Facebook of course). I wanted to get the rest of the house work done, but that just didn't happen!!

This week we have a realtor coming, a good friend of Steve's sister. She is going to check out the house, give us her honest opinion on how much she thinks we can get, if we should sell, what updates we should make or not make, etc. I've been killing myself looking at houses, so I'm hoping she will have some that are not listed online to show us! That's the scary part when thinking about moving…I just can't find what we're looking for in our price range!!

Hope everyone else had a great weekend as well! I'll leave you with a photo shoot preview!!

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