Monday, January 20, 2014

Playing Catch Up...

I've been a slacker lately on posting! I said I would update at least once a week but I think I skipped a week, whoops!

Anyway, few things to report…

We are going to take the house off the market. With the baby coming in less than 3 months theres no way we will be able to move and be settled by the time she gets here. Plus, with my job in the air as far as if we will be staying downtown, moving to a new location or being sent home to work, its hard to pick out an area to live in…

Basically theres just too many unknowns so we decided the safest thing to do is stay in this house for a while. I really wanted to be out of the Penn Hills school district before she was born but, oh well, everything happens for a reason!!

SOOO now I get to start on her room!! I can't wait!!!! We've already had the paint and wall decal for some time now, but we didn't want to waste it.

Baby showers are both booked!! My Pittsburgh baby shower will be February 16th, at my house, and my Erie baby shower will be March 1st at the Elks Club. I'm really looking forward to both!

I'm 28 weeks pregnant now and still feeling pretty normal! Some days I have some back and/or rib pain, but nothing major. I'm sure this will continue to get worse as time goes on but its nothing I can't manage for now. A hot bath seems to do the trick for now!

I had my glucose test on Friday, which I'm still waiting for the results of. Going with a "no news is good news" for now. I have an appointment on Thursday so I'm sure if I failed, they will tell me otherwise then. Also, I had a sonogram on Friday to check to make sure my placenta had moved. At my anatomy scan they told me I had a low lying placenta, meaning it was closer to my "opening" than normal. But, they assured me its normal and usually resolves itself. They still had to do a scan to be sure it moved though, and it did! And baby girl is measuring about one week early! Heres one of the sono pics…You can see her little face!

I've made a few good recipes I need to share! Meatball Stroganoff, Sweet Garlic Chicken, Brown Sugar & Balsamic Glazed Pork Loin, Beer Crockpot Chicken and Baked Honey Sesame Chicken! I linked them all to the original sites I got them from because I'm too lazy to type them all out and review them in one post, and I don't have any pictures to share of my own! I promise they were ALL delicious!! If you need side dish suggestions for any of them, just let me know!

Tonight I'm trying the Pesto Chicken Stuffed Shells again, except this time, I'm using marinara sauce instead of alfredo, and I'm covering the shells in the sauce as opposed to just lining the bottom of the dish. I'll be sure to make a follow up post about it!

Other than that, nothing really new and exciting going on here. Just getting closer and closer to meeting our baby girl and I can't wait!!!

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